OK So You Have Breast Cancer..

If you have been diagnosed, how you handle the results and your outlook towards the coming months can have a big difference on your recovery.

According to TCM theories, the root cause of breast cancer lies primarily in Qi stagnation, which is always related to emotional factors.  Being diagnosed with breast cancer is in itself a highly emotional, stressful, and frightening moment.  It is important to know that, at this time especially, any excess emotional energy you expend can actually aggravate the root cause of your condition.  As difficult as it may be, it is vital to keep your emotions stable and not let this negative information destroy your hope of healing completely.  You will need all the positive emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual energy you can create over the course of your treatment to conquer cancer's energy pattern. It is this accumulated Qi or healing power that you will use to help heal yourself.  From this very moment, you must remind yourself daily how important it is to save your Qi for the big healing work ahead.

After being diagnosed, many women run themselves ragged going from specialist to specialist to obtain more information and more opinions. This can be a confusing effort and a big drain on Qi. Though you may feel the need to take immediate action, there is almost always enough time to help yourself regroup your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical energies.  From experience with my breast cancer patients, I know that stopping to take this simple step of integration can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your treatments.  Many women feel this research effort is important; if you go through this step,  just remember to take time out to listen to your intuition.

As everyone knows, there are many side effects from various breast cancer treatments:  hair loss, nausea, joint pain, insomnia, loss of appetite, constipation, to name a few.  All of these conditions are symptoms signaling the deeper acute Qi dysfunction or crisis from which your organs are suffering.  It is important to emphasize that TCM has treated these kinds of Qi dysfunctions effectively for centuries; it offers a number of ways to help you rebalance your body's overall function, accumulate healing energy, and help reduce side effects from these treatments.

These proprietary TCM herbal formulas have been designed specifically to help you through the various stages of western treatment. For simplicity and brevity we have broken it down into four basic stages: 

Stage 1 - TCM treatment for those about to undergo surgery

Stage 2 - You have had surgery and are currently having treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. 

Stage 3 - Your treatments are complete and you are in remission.

Stage 4* - TCM treatments for those taking Tamoxifen - coming soon











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