QI & Your Organs

Thousands of years ago, traditional Chinese medicine theory stated that as long as Qi - internal vital energy - remains strong and flows freely and the body's organs work in harmony, disease or illness cannot enter.

From the TCM perspective, the definition of a healthy body is one where the organs function in harmony and Qi flows freely through the meridians. In this dynamic state, your body, mind and spirit are operating as one and tumors or cancer cannot develop. If this state becomes unbalanced, then tumors and cancer have a window to enter.

In TCM, the liver is the most important organ for women's health.  When your Liver is not functioning well (it is called a function disorder) it means your liver cannot help you circulate enough Qi and blood throughout your body and therefore cannot support your digestive function, with which it has a vital relationship.  The result is that you cannot get enough nutrition from the foods you eat.  No matter what you put in - vitamins, calories, or nutrients - if your digestive system is not functioning properly, your body will not be able to extract enough of what it needs to remain strong.  This is especially relevant to women undergoing breast cancer treatment

An energy disorder of the kidney means that the Qi, or life force, of this organ is too weak to function well and provide the right messages and power you need for the activities of everyday life.  In other words, your engine is running poorly.  Kidney Qi directly influences the health of the hair, the bones, and the body's overall Qi.  This is why hair loss and general fatigue affect so many women undergoing energy-destroying breast cancer treatments.  Unfortunately, these women have often depleted their kidney Qi – through unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle choices - long before they reach the breast cancer treatment stage.  These treatments then aggravate their underlying kidney Qi imbalance.  TCM has treated patients with kidney Qi disorders naturally and effectively for centuries.

The premise is that by keeping your body strong (energy flowing) and your organs functioning well, your body will be able to help fight disease. If your body is weak, then side effects will have greater influence over your body. TCM can help you strengthen your body and overcome disease.






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